As most of you know, at every Presbytery meeting we collect pennies/nickles/dimes (and even the quiet money) for those in our communities that don't have enough to eat. Money is collected at each meal and then is forwarded to a local mission.
During the August 11th meeting of Plains and Peaks Presbytery held at Light Memorial Church, Sidney we collected a "Centsability" offering of $40.14. Presbytery members were asked to contribute and offering of for hunger and poverty. Even though we only collect a few pennies at a time, we pray that each gift may help the work that folks are doing to make such a difference for those that are hungry in this world. The funds from this meeting went to the Sidney Salvation Army Thrift Store and Food Bank. Also at this Presbytery meeting, we urged folks to encourage their members to volunteer to help raise funds for local hunger organizations by participating in a fall CROP hunger walk. Here is a list of walks in Plains and Peaks Presbytery. The need for funds at our local pantries is great, so please consider supporting them by walking or sponsoring a walker in one of these walks: |
Boulder County CROP Hunger Walk 2012
Broomfield CROP Hunger Walk 2012
Estes Park CROP Hunger Walk 2012
Fort Collins CROP Hunger Walk 2012
LaSalle CROP Hunger Walk 2012
Loveland CROP Hunger Walk 2012
Northeast Colorado CROP Hunger Walk 2012
Windsor CROP Hunger Walk 2012
Scottsbluff CROP Hunger Walk 2012