Thursday, January 18, 2007

Christians in Baghdad...

On the video blog Alive in Baghdad, the most current piece is part of an interview with Father Hani Essa, a Christian priest. It is an extremley thoughtful piece that is really worth viewing. I found it can hear the gunshots outside of his church as the interview progresses!

He begins by saying that his society has become very complicated "…now things are so mingled, you cannot distinguish between your enemies and your friends. This affects the whole society, whether Muslims or Christians."

I would love to hear what you think of his final comments about the strife within Iraq, and the forces from outside - "In a garden, you can see a lot of flowers, with different colors, and the more colors in the garden the more beautiful it is. Our nation has many colors and beautiful flowers. But I don’t think flowers fight one another saying, “I am better and more beautiful than you.”

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